Sunday, November 30, 2008

Week 11 - Thanksgiving

Bo had his first trip out of town to Minneapolis to meet his new cousin Miles at Thanksgiving. Bo's Great Grandpa got to hold his new great grandchildren!

This video is funny, Bo is starting to use his hands to hit/grab things.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Week 10

Week 10 was my last week home with Bo, next week it's back to work. It was an exciting week because Bo learned a new trick... he learned to roll over from his tummy to his back on Wed, Nov 19th! We had our Christmas pictures taken this week so the picture of Bo sitting in the box is him practicing for the real thing.

Weeks 7-9

I have been slacking in getting these pictures posted... Here are pictures from weeks 7-9. Halloween fell during week 7, Bo wore his glow in the dark shirt. Bo turned 2 months old in week 9 and he had to get his 2 month shots. He didn't cry too much and I think I was more upset than he was!