Saturday, September 27, 2008

Week 2

Here are some more pictures of Bo from week 2. He is a really strong baby, look at how far he can lift his head up already. He was more alert this week than he was during week 1.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

1 Week old

Boden watched his first Hawkeye game in his new Hawkeye onesie and socks. He wasn't very happy with the outcome of the game, but he's optimistic for Big Ten play.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bath Time

Boden had his first bath at home this week. He didn't cry at all for the bath, in fact he slept through most of it. His robe is still a little big for him, but I'm sure he will grow into it soon with the way he eats!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Welcome home Boden!

Our neighbors were eager to welcome Boden to the neighborhood. Here is a picture of the yard from when we got home on Monday.

Day 3 - Going home from the hospital

Dan & I got to come home from the hospital on Monday 9/15. It was a crazy feeling to drive away from the hospital with our little bundle of joy!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Day 2 - More pictures

Here are some more pictures of Bo. Also, check out the pictures that were taken in the hospital by going to the St. Lukes website at and clicking on St. Lukes babies.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Boden Allan Bensema is born!!

Boden arrived on Saturday 9/13/08 at 6:32 pm. He weighed 9lbs 3.5oz and was 21.5 inches long (he was a big boy)! Here are a couple pictures from his first night in the hospital.

Friday, September 12, 2008

39 Weeks - We are ready!!

Here is the last picture of the bump before Baby Bensema was born. This was taken on Friday, Sept 12th and Boden was born the very next day.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

38 Weeks

Baby Bensema is now considered full term and we are ready for him to make his big appearance!! He is making me swell up quite a bit. As you can see, I can't wear my wedding ring anymore and my ankles are starting to disappear (this has been going on since week 35). The room is ready for him to arrive and so are we.