Sunday, June 22, 2008

Baby Bensema's first White Sox Game

While we were in Chicago, we went to a White Sox game. As you can see, the bump is definitely growing! Dan thinks that Baby Bensema is going to grow up to be a White Sox fan... his uncle Scott and Grandma & Grandpa Bowen are going to try their best to make him a Cubs fan though. I think I am going to stay out of this one :)

26 Weeks - Chicago Baby Shower

While I was in Chicago for training for a week Maggie & Larry and Lindsay & Matt threw us a baby shower. We had a wonderful time, it was great to get back into the city and see our friends! Baby Bensema got a bunch of great stuff. It was nice to get some tips on what we need from our friends that have kids already!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

25 Weeks - 1st Baby Shower!

Dan & I had our first baby shower this weekend, hosted by our neighbors Steve & Joy Mindrup. It was a family shower so a lot of the kids in the neighborhood (baby Bensema's future playmates/babysitters) were there. We had a great time and baby Bensema got a lot of great stuff. We are fortunate to have such wonderful neighbors that went to such great effort for baby Bensema.