Monday, April 28, 2008

19 Weeks

This past weekend we traveled to Minneapolis to visit Dan's brother Steve and his wife Brooke. The pictures were taken at the Mall of America near some of the Lego sculptures.
I have started to feel Baby Boy Bensema moving around I think. He is definitely a pretty active boy!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's a .....

Shy baby! I cannot believe what you can see with an ultrasound. Unfortunately I can't get the pictures to upload, but I will try again soon. Ok, ok, on with the news you are reading this for, it's a boy! He was being really shy and kept his hand in front of his face almost the whole time. We got to watch him move around a ton (he flipped over 3 times in the 20 minute ultrasound), we counted all of his fingers and toes, we saw the 4 chambers of his heart... I could go on forever. Dan & I are very happy that he seems to be a very healthy boy so far. The nurse did comment that he is a fairly big baby (he is already 10 oz), but nothing to be concerned with.

Monday, April 21, 2008

18 Weeks

As you can see (kind of), the bump is growing. I feel like it gets bigger every day! Baby Bensema is able to hear outside noises now and his/her eyes are starting to develop and can sense light.
We are looking forward to this Thursday because we find out the sex of Baby Bensema. My guess is that it's a girl, but we shall see.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

17 Weeks

Let the bump watch begin, as you can see the bump has been busy growing. At 17 weeks, I can't fit into regular pants anymore. The baby is now around 5 inches long.
I have started to feel quite a bit better over the past week or so! I'm looking forward to feeling the baby move soon.